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Updated: Feb 22

homeschool personal finance curriculum

Grab a cup of coffee, find a comfy spot, and let's dive into a topic that's as important as algebra and science but often gets overlooked – financial education. Yes, we know what you're thinking: "Do we really need to add another subject to the mix?" The short answer? Absolutely!

Why Bother?

Alright, you might be thinking, "My kid's still mastering the art of cleaning their room, do they really need to know about money?" The short answer? Heck yes!

Imagine your child or teen grows up, spreads their wings, and leaves the nest. Suddenly, they're faced with adulting – paying bills, budgeting, investing, and navigating the complex world of finance. Wouldn't it be fantastic if you could equip them with the tools to handle these challenges confidently? That's where financial education comes into play!

The "Why Didn't They Teach Me This in School" Dilemma

Quick reality check: when was the last time you used calculus in your adult life? Exactly. Now, think about all the life skills you wish someone had taught you – like how to budget, invest, or decipher the cryptic language of credit scores. Financial education is basically the superhero cape you can put on your homeschool curriculum, saving your kids from the "Why didn't they teach me this in school" dilemma. So below are a four core areas that you should make sure are included your homeschool personal finance curriculum.

1.Making It Rain: Budgeting Basics

Okay, let's start with something practical – budgeting. We get it; the word itself might induce yawns, but stick with us. Turn it into a family affair. Give your kids a taste of financial responsibility by managing their own mini-budgets. It's not just about learning numbers; it's about fostering a mindset of planning and responsibility. Plus, who knows, you might discover the next financial guru in your living room.

2. Investing Isn't Just for Grown-Ups

Now, let's talk investing. Before you roll your eyes and think, "My kid can barely manage their Roblox budget," hear us out. Turn the concept of investing into a thrilling adventure. Invest a portion of their savings in something they're passionate about – whether it's a lemonade stand or a Minecraft-themed enterprise. Watch their eyes light up as they realize their money can grow, and voila, you've just planted the seed of financial wisdom.

3. Cracking the Code: Credit Scores Unveiled

Credit scores – the mysterious numbers that determine your financial fate. Break it down for your kids in a way that makes sense (or show them our fun explainer video here). Compare it to their game scores or achievements. Help them understand that responsible financial behavior is like leveling up in the real world. It's not just about avoiding debt; it's about gaining financial experience.

4. Surviving the Digital Jungle: Online Security and FinTech

Welcome to the digital era, where money is exchanged with a tap and a swipe. Equip your kids with the knowledge of online security and FinTech magic. Turn it into a spy mission – safeguarding their digital wallets. Teach them the power of strong passwords and the basics of cryptocurrencies. Who knows, your homeschool might produce the next cybersecurity genius!

Money Mistakes: Turning Oops into Lessons

Let's face it – we've all had our fair share of financial mistakes. Instead of shielding your kids from your money mistakes, turn them into lessons. Share your tales of budgeting blunders and impulse buying regrets. It's not about being a perfect financial guru; it's about showing them that even money-savvy adults make mistakes – and that's okay. Each mishap is a golden opportunity to learn from our mistakes and do better.

By incorporating financial education into your homeschool curriculum, you're not just shaping your kids' future; you're creating a ripple effect that extends to future generations.

Not to mention that you can potentially qualify for support if you are looking for material to teach your kids how to manage money and invest. Did you know that some states offer grants or stipends for homeschool families to be used on eligible expenses? Thankfully, you can even request for KidVestors to be an approved vendor so you can allocate these funds to start teaching your students finance!

Embrace the role of the financial mentor, and let your homeschool journey be the epic tale of raising a generation that doesn't just dream but turns those dreams into financial reality. You got this!

Visit here to learn more about how to use KidVestors in your homeschool curriculum.




  • Enroll your student in our financial literacy course and app here.  

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  • If your school or group is looking for a finance curriculum to teach your students about how to manage money, start here to learn more on how to bring KidVestors to your classrooms!

  • Parents, teach your kids money and make money conversations normal in your household by visiting here.

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